Sunday, October 23, 2011

Missing My Girls

I've been embedded in bachelorhood for going on five days now. Ellen and Safia have ventured to Baltimore because Ellen was giving a presentation at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting.  Ellen's parents, being pretty darn close to there, made it logical for her to extend her trip just a wee bit longer. 
However, now that Ellen and Safia have been gone for a number of days, now, there is something glaringly obvious: The house has been very quiet for too long.   I miss my girls.  Ellen has been very good at sending pictures to keep me updated on everyone's progress, but I still miss them.  I find myself scrolling through pictures and reminiscing.  The further back I go in our picture album, the more I am amazed at how much has changed through the course of 6 months.  Below is a run-down of the pictures in our album that bring big smiles to my face.  Note: pictures may, or may not be repeats from this blog (they're oldies, but goodies) and they are in reverse chronological order. 

One-day old: getting ready to go home from the hospital
amazement - 1-day old
hours old
Interestingly, after scrolling through those pics, I think I miss my girls more, not less.

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