Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bottle Battles
Monday, May 30, 2011
A Holiday Weekend Baby-style
Safia at 8 weeks |
Safia continues to make incremental advancements, meaning she is awake and happy for longer periods, feeding more efficiently, and we’re all getting better at reading one another’s needs. This morning Safia and I discussed the human digestive system; from the formation of a bolus, to the significance of the duodenum and jejunum, and the passage through the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, and then, you know what. Safia is going to have a wonderful childhood.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Hello Friday!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
naked snoozing |
Yesterday, I fully intended to write a short post, and it got away from me. Here, now, is that short post. I mainly wanted to unload some adorable pictures I took yesterday. While Ellen was in Atlanta, I had Safia all to myself, and I’ll say that she was on her best behavior. She slept for most of our time together, a nice 1-hour stint and a solid 2-hour spell after a painless bottle-feeding. I highly suspect that Safia was just showing off about how good she can be to get a good report from me to Ellen. Either that, or I’m so boring, she’d rather sleep than have to put up with my mundane and insipid babble. Whichever it is, we had a pleasant day together. She has had a couple of shaky nights with short bouts of sleep, frequent gas, and lots of feeding.
This morning, we spent our time with another darling little one. Good company, cute babies, nursing, diaper changes, good conversation, coffee, sleeping infants, and a not-so-bad walk in the heat. Lunch with another friend, spicy, Jamaican pork, assorted flavors of frozen yogurt, and more good conversation. Time to take it down a notch.
milk drunk |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Takin' in Easy at Rancho Relaxo
Chillin in the Moby |
Short one today. Not much to report on. Pretty slow days here at Rancho Relaxo. Safia, we suspect, is undergoing yet another (whew!) growth spurt. She is eating voraciously and is grumpier than normal. We’re feeling better equipped (with experience that is) to see it through, so I think we can overcome this phase unscathed and with less frustration. Today Ellen goes to Atlanta for a meeting, so it’s Daddy and Daughter day (it’s really only for a few hours, so no worries).
"No more singing!" |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
It's Getting Hot In Here!
tranquil |
Yesterday was very peaceful. We deemed it another “Do Nothing Day.” It was in response to a flurry of activity that coincided with my mother’s visit: Farmer’s market, park walking, grocery shopping, downtown walking, multiple restaurant episodes, neighborhood walking, trip to Madison, GA…etc. We found ourselves exhausted, cranky, and we felt Safia could maybe use a quiet and tranquil day at home. It was just that, and Safia did great and we also benefited from the rest and relaxation. Lately, I’ve been feeling ambitious about making food, baking bread, and just playing around in the kitchen, but the unseasonable heat has really made me hesitate to turn the stove or oven on. Maybe when the heat subsides in the evening, we’ll fire up the grill and do some outdoor cooking. That sounds quite nice.
This is what happened when I told Safia she couldn't ride the dog. |
Monday, May 23, 2011
Better? Definitely Maybe.
1. She’s sleeping longer: for the past few nights she has slept for 5 hours in her bassinet before waking up hungry. She’ll go back to sleep for another 3 hours or so after that, and so on and so forth until the morning. She’s also sleeping a bit longer during the day which is enabling us to get more done around the house, which is nice.
2. There’s more happy awake time: there’s more smiling and happy noises! Used to be that whenever she wasn’t sleeping or eating, she was screaming. Now, she’ll just hang out, show us her big, beautiful eyes, and be generally contented. We spend increasing amounts of time on her play-mat where she kicks her legs with wild abandon, and I do everything in my power to get her to smile or laugh at my ridiculous antics.
3. Her feeding is more efficient: She is nursing for only about 15 minutes at a time (as opposed to 45 minutes not too long ago). When I take on feeding responsibilities with the bottle, she resists very little and drains a bottle lickety-split, posthaste.
4. She’s getting better at communicating her needs: Ok, ok…it’s probably us that’s getting better at deciphering her signs, facial expressions, and body language. Safia’s probably like, “About time you guys figured it out! I’ve been making it as clear as I can!” Well, we’re figuring it out alright…little by little we’ll get there together.
Anyway, it’s nice to not have much to complain about nowadays. We’re all at home together where we can focus on our family unit. We’re tending to our garden, cooking more and more, going on multiple long walks, and trying our best to be supportive of one another. As we’re more relaxed as parents, I’m sure Safia picks up on it, and maybe that’s what is hastening the transition to more copacetic baby and parent life.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
School's Out for Summer!
Safia at 7 weeks |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Many Faces of Safia Rose
They say that moms (and I’ll add attentive dads) learn to recognize their children’s different cries and can distinguish their meanings. Supposedly, there’s a different cry for when they're hungry, when they want their diaper changed, when they’re tired, when they're sick, when they’re just fussy, etc. I’m starting to distinguish her different cries, but I still have no idea what they mean, and I’m not sure I ever will. Rube does say that he could pick Safia’s cry out of a “cry line up,” again, I’m not sure I could, but maybe. He can sleep through her cries, but I can't, so maybe I'm more in tuned with her than I think!
But what I am figuring out are her facial expressions – so at least I have some idea what to expect.
There’s her “Poop Face” . . .
Her “Nursey Face” otherwise known as her "Feed me Face" . . .
There’s her “Milk Drunk Face” . . .
I know this one might seem obvious (she's yawning, not crying), but when it follows a “Poop Face” it becomes her “I’m done Pooping Face,” (sometimes it’s also accompanied by two sneezes)
There's her "Sleepy Face" . . .
There's her "Gassy Face"
Her "I'm not happy with this face" . . .
Finally, call them gas bubbles, call them face twitches, call them what you will, we call them smiles, and we relish everyone we get, because these days, they're few and far between and we take what we can get . . .
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Full Weekend
Safia at 6 weeks! |
A full weekend...full of crying that is. Eventful too, I guess, but crying: lots of crying.
**Disclaimer**: this is Rube typing here, so the opinions and perspectives laid out in this post are not intended to represent Ellen. Just wanted to get that straight first. Anyway...on with it.
So as previously mentioned, this weekend was, in fact, rather eventful. On Friday afternoon, Ellen organized a really informal and low-key celebration at a local bar to observe my completing my Master's degree. It was really nice and I felt very honored. Safia wore a very pretty dress and was on her best behavior. As I looked around the room at the congregation of friends, I noticed (and others brought it to my attention as well) that we know a lot of people with babies and a lot of pregnant women. I guess it's the phase of life we're in now, and I guess we've kind of been purposely trying to meet more people with babies (for commiserating and forming community), but dang...not too long ago we were lamenting the fact that we had so few friends with babies that we wouldn't have any support. I guess the times they are a-changing. Well, we stayed out until the wee hours of 7:45pm, packed it up, and headed home.
Yeah Katie G.! |
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