With all the devastating tornadoes in the news lately, the storm that came through here last night instilled some apprehension on our parts. As the wind picked up and the rain began to fall, our power went out, thus ending our relaxing evening watching TV on the computer. At the kitchen table, we read magazines and books by headlamp and bounced Safia as she slept soundly and peacefully and the intensity of the storm dissipated. Regardless of the early hour, and with Safia not making any signs of waking, we went off to bed. It was kind of nice, not constantly eyeing the clock, but listening to our bodies and going to sleep because we were tired.

This morning we all went to a friend's farm in Watkinsville to get out and get our hands dirty. I carried Safia in the Moby Wrap as Ellen harvested and bundled kale, then when Safia was good and asleep, we all helped to pull weeds. When bending down with Safia became a source of fussiness (Safia, not me), I focused on keeping her calm. When she became wracked with hunger, Ellen took over Safia duties as I zeroed in on the weeds. Safia's outlook on things gradually deteriorated as we worked from row to row and eventually, we bid our farewell. It was a nice, overcast day with the passing storm bringing down the heat. Safia, of course, screamed the whole way home. Even still, it felt awesome to be able to successfully negotiate our little almost-8-week-old and get some good, dirty work done. In fact, it inspired me to come home and get some work done in our own garden. Our friend made a comment this morning at the farm that has really stuck with me. She said, "Safia is looking less like an infant, and more like a baby!" mmmm...growing up.

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