Safia had a wonderful day yesterday, except for a swath of about 2 hours in the afternoon. Ellen and I have been dedicated to establishing bottle feeding so that I can fulfill that aspect of Safia's needs. Bottle feeding Safia has been a great way for me to bond with her and to let her know that both Ellen and I are full-service parents. Yesterday, though, Safia decided that the bottle was her mortal enemy and would not even tolerate the bottle being in the same room as her. I presented her the bottle, she screamed. I presented her the bottle again; she screamed and squirmed away as if the bottle were poison. I knew she was hungry too, which was the kicker...I was giving her the same stuff she gets from her mother, yet the delivery model was not acceptable. I would calm her down and then we'd try again...screaming. Ellen would calm her down and we'd try again...screaming. This proceeded for quite some time (something like 2 hours). Ellen got Safia to go to sleep and placed her in the bassinet, thinking that would be a good reset button. When she awoke, I presented her with the bottle, and she began gulping it down with much vigor and zest. Victory! Three-and-a-half ounces of milk, a gigantic poop, and two colossal burps later, and our lovely little baby was smiling again, and I celebrated our mini-triumph over mini-adversity. Whew!

I simply cannot comprehend how May is over and June is about to begin. I have a feeling this summer is going to go by at light speed. Good thing we'll have a living document of what happened so we can refresh our memories.
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