Safia - Four weeks Old |
Today Safia is one month old. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a month since our lives were turned upside down with our new addition. It is pretty amazing how time has seems to take on a whole new dimension. Each day seems so long. It seems like Safia has always been part of our lives, but at the same time, I can’t believe she’s already a month old. So much has changed, and as cheesy as it sounds, we’ve learned so much. We keep telling ourselves that it’s going to get easier, and it seems like it might be getting a little easier, maybe. She’s sleeping a little more, she’ll stay on her play mat or bouncy chair for a few minutes more each day. Rube and I are also figuring things out, little tricks to make things easier. It’s amazing to think about what the next month will bring us!
One week Old |
Two Weeks Old |
Four Weeks Old |
Three Weeks Old |
Safia getting a pre-show serenade from HSSB |
This weekend was a busy one, well at least Saturday was busy. Rube had two shows, so Safia and I decided we would venture into the world and go to the Strawberry Festival. She was a trooper in the car (much better than our last car trip!) and enjoyed being serenaded in her car seat before the show. Of course, as soon as they stated playing, she wanted to nurse. But since it was what I was going to be doing anyway – it was nice to be able to do it in a different setting. She then rocked it out in the Moby Wrap for the rest of the show. Of course, we pushed our limits just a little bit, she was not happy to get back into her car seat – we decided instead of enduring a thirty minute ride with a screaming child, we’d try stopping, changing her diaper, and nursing her – so we pulled into a parking lot and did just that and had a happy baby for the rest of the ride home.
Rube, Seth, and Safia enjoying the Geography Picnic |
On Saturday, we also had the geography picnic. Safia got her first introduction into the world of academia – she was a superstar, happily being passed from one person to another, until of course she was hungry and I had to go sit in a corner and nurse (this seems to be reoccurring theme of my life). Rube had to leave to go to his second show, so Saifa and I were once again flying solo. She again happily slept in the Moby for the rest of the picnic. Since Rube was at his show, Safia and I had to make it home on our own – I had to drive with Safia for the first time – up until Saturday, I had only been in the car with Rube driving. Re-introduction to the world of the mobile! She started crying as soon as I put her in the car seat, but quickly settled in, making it a smooth transition home to more nursing!
Sunday was a relatively quiet day. Rube spent the day writing papers, Safia and I spent the day hanging out, nursing, and wishing Rube would hang out with us instead of writing his papers. Luckily the end is in sight, and if all goes according to plan, all the papers will be done by Monday night. If not, then hopefully by Tuesday Rube can put his school work behind him, at least for now!
good luck with the papers, Rube! good luck with the nursing, Ellen! Uncle Mitch's tip of the day: useful alternative to the Moby wrap -- huge piece of nori