She tunes because she cares. |
Friday, July 29, 2011
Last Weekend in Paradise
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A Rough Night
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Not So Bobbly-Headed
This'll be quick and painless. Ellen and I are feeling motivated, and are actually getting some cleaning and organizing done around the house. Since my return to work is now very much in sight, we're scrambling a bit to get some stuff done in the house that we wanted to get done all summer long. Although this post will be a brief one, I did want to mention how well Safia is controlling her head nowadays. It is extremely nice to not have to be so delicate in handling her and she is really loving sitting up and playing. This newfound noggin-dexterity also means that we get to employ yet another type of baby carrier. Today, I tried out the Baby Bjorn (a carrier in which she can be carried on the chest and look outwards) and she was pretty darn happy about it. Happy baby = happy dad.
Below is a video of Safia practicing her ski jumping (thanks to Roy for assisting in teaching her proper landing technique. Sorry you have to tilt your head to the right to watch it properly).
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Phew! Home. I have so much to say about our trip, but I suspect that precious few of you want the fine details written out for you to read on a blog. If you want the minutiae of our travels over the past week-and-a-half, we'll have to accomplish that through another mechanism. What I will say here is that it was an ambitious trip that had the potential to be disastrous, but turned out wonderfully. After three plane rides, some subway/metro expeditions, and plenty of time in cars, I'd say Safia is getting an early introduction to a lifestyle of travel.
On the Safia development front, as many of you know, each week brings incredible growth. Well, this week Safia has turned into a regular ol' rolly-polly. She's freely (and quickly, I might add) turning from her back to her stomach, and is learning the stomach-to-back return. She is using her hands with much purpose and has discovered the tactile delights of grabbing and pulling hair and low-hanging beards. I think I might have a date with a razor soon.
So this is my last week of freedom. In one week, I return to work and we have yet another readjustment. I know I say it every year, but my summer vacation has just flown by...I don't know where it went.
Ski jump training |
Aunt S'mores and Safia talk about it. |
So this is my last week of freedom. In one week, I return to work and we have yet another readjustment. I know I say it every year, but my summer vacation has just flown by...I don't know where it went.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Surprisingly, we haven't taken all that many photos on our trip. Here is a selection of fun pictures and videos from the past week.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Yet Another Adventure
Top heavy |
Also of note, Safia has figured out how to turn over completely from back to tummy. We have entered a new era.
Since we are embarking on another adventure tomorrow, we will be absent from the blog for a bit. I urge those who grow antsy and impatient to read our posts to access and reread previous or old favorite posts via our archives. Hope all have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Late Edition
Another oldie but a goodie. This one when she was 8 days old. |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What a Show!
Well, my friend Tim left today to return to his wife and occupational responsibilities in Milwaukee. It was so nice to have him around, if only for a few days. He was my partner these past few days in trying to coax Safia to eat from the bottle. During his stay here, he played with her and received a multitude of smiles and little giggles, endured her bottle-wrath, and bounced her soothingly. Safe travels back to's a loooooong road.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Importance of Choice
As the bottle battles continue (and yes, she STILL won’t take a bottle, and yes, we’ve tried just about everything), I’m realizing how trapped I’ve been feeling because I am the only consistent way she can get food. Coinciding with those feelings of being trapped are also feelings of guilt because I don’t need to go back to work so I don’t really need her to take a bottle. But in actuality, I really do need her to take a bottle. Currently, my only time away from Safia is when Rube is trying to give her a bottle. I go to the gym and run errands, and although it is technically a break, my thoughts are constantly on what's happening at home. Guilt seeps in again as I wonder if I'm being selfish by putting Rube and Safia through this ordeal so I can get what I want. After the feeling of guilt subside, reality sets in and even though I don’t need to go back to work right away, I really do need her to take a bottle because I need to not feel trapped. If I have the choice as to whether I go out and do something or stay home with Safia, I’m so much happier to stay home with her when I’ve chosen to do so rather then when I feel forced to do it. I know it’s all about perspective and I am incredibly lucky to be having these emotional/mental battles, but it doesn’t make it any easier. But it does make it easier to know that this is “normal” (whatever that word means anymore) and there are others that are going through the same struggles, and the mantras of it’ll get better are actually based in some sort of reality. At least that’s what people say.
A blast from the past, Safia at 9 days old, it's amazing how much she's grown |
It's amazing how time flies in our strange time warp called parenthood |
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Return to Responsibility
Below, I've posted a couple of videos for your enjoyment. I'll give a little background info to clarify things a bit. The first is of Safia in the car. She is playing with a rattle and being awfully cute (if I do say so). She is also listening to "This American Life" which is on in the car, describing the now predictable way in which Middle East dictators try to salvage their deteriorating positions of power. The second video is of a little music session we had. She's already starting to sing.
Now a point of digression, if I may: On our drive back home, there was a major traffic back-up in South Carolina as a result of an accident that delayed us about one-and-a-half hours. On that drive, in which we stayed on major interstate highways (I-95 and I-85), I was shocked at the high frequency of aggressive, sudden, and un-signaled lane changes. I, myself, was cut-off repeatedly (often while driving in the right-most lane) by drivers making their move. The accident that caused the miles-long back-up on I-85 was caused by a lane change in which three cars were ultimately involved, and it resulted in a fatality (a 26-year old man returning to Georgia after visiting his girlfriend in North Carolina). So sad. Lately I've been thinking, as I drive Safia around, that I have precious cargo in the car and that I should drive more safely. It's clear to me now that we are all precious cargo. Drive safely.
Friday, July 8, 2011
On the Road
So I'm posting from the road! We left Ellen's parent's house this morning at 4am. Safia made a smooth transition to the car and continued sleeping the good sleep. In fact she gave us four-and-a-half hours of solid driving. We made a pit-stop for gas, nursing, and a diaper change. We're back in the car and I'm trying to keep Safia entertained with an onslaught of rattles and woobies and books. So far so good...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Who's the Happiest Baby on the Block?
We have also come to a decision as to our travel plans for returning to Athens. We have decided to leave early tomorrow morning. We're going to take things as they come and not try to push too hard on anybody's sanity. Durham, North Carolina marks the half-way point on our journey, and we will keep open the possibility of stopping there for a break to assess our progress and further course of action. If anyone has spent any time in Durham, please send along suggestions for eating/sites to see/places to visit. Keep your fingers crossed and send us positive traveling vibes.
Safia and Ellen play patty-cake |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Contemplating a Journey
Safia at 13-weeks / 3-months |
Yesterday, we all went downtown to the National Gallery to infuse some culture into our visit. Safia had been clamoring all week to see the Chester Dale Collection: From Impressionism to Modernism exhibit, so we finally relented, and went to check it out. She slept for about three-hours in her stroller as we navigated the exhibit to let all the magnificence marinate fully. It was a great trip downtown, and we arrived back at home relatively unscathed.
Safia commiserates with Jude |
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