Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Rough Night

Whew!  I'm not gonna lie, last night was kinda rough.  Safia has been eating ferociously and her sleep has been very erratic. There was a stretch of time between 5pm and midnight where Safia slept for only about 30 minutes.  She was up-and-at-'em and rarin' to go!  There was a point at about 11pm, Safia, swaddled up and in her bassinet, was just rolling around and laughing her little head off.  I looked over at Ellen and asked, "What is wrong with our child?"  I did honestly think that I had done something wrong with our last torturous bottle feeding that just set Safia's 'crazy' switch to overdrive.  After some effort, we were able to get Safia down for the night.  She was up and hungry, though, multiple times throughout the night.  We suspect maybe another growth spurt?  It is amazing how much Safia has grown over the past couple of weeks.  It seems to me that she has grown and/or developed in some way after each nap.  Ok, that might be a bit exaggerated, but things are moving along quite briskly.

Lately as I'm out about town I'm hyper-aware of kids and babies.  They're everywhere!  Newborns, babies, toddlers, elementary age children...some are well-behaved, some are total disasters, some are playful and jubilant, and some are frenzied, unruly hot messes.  I notice them all and their parents, and can't help but think about what kind of person Safia will grow up to be.  It's completely overwhelming when I think about it.  When I look into her eyes I see brief glimmers of Safia as an older human being.  When I snap out of it, I think that who Safia will be changes from day-to-day, for who she will become is a summation of all the days she has lived and experienced.  It is in her everyday observations and interactions and successes and failures that determine her personality, outlook, and perspective, and that is a constant evolution.


  1. She might be starting teething... that will cause ALL of the symptoms you describe. Barrett started over a week ago and he is a bit younger. Causes them to be very wakeful and often want to nurse a lot. We got honeopathic teething gel... but mostly just have to get through it. You all sound like you are doing it right! -Jenna

  2. Jenna, I'm glad you mentioned that. We have definitely noticed teething "symptoms" over the past week. She has been a complete drool factory and has found untold joy in chewing on our fingers. We've pulled out the teethers and have been preparing for those pearly whites. I hadn't thought that teething would cause the restlessness and nursing-fest we've been having, but it makes sense. I'll check out that teething gel. Thanks again!
