Safia update: She has been doing great. She is staying awake and "playing" more and more each day. Her smiles are abundant, and if you're extra persistent, you can coax a little giggle out of her; that's the true prize. The most remarkable development in her maturation has been considerable progress in the realm of head control. She is sitting up and looking around and that noggin is not very floppy at all. Pretty awesome. She is also progressed considerably in her ability to use her hands to manipulate objects. We're definitely happy about that. On the not-so-awesome side of things, she isn't a great sleeper during daytime hours, going down for only about 30 minutes to an hour, and sometimes very reluctant to be put to sleep (read: screams vociferously). Also, she continues to loathe the bottle.

Today, we planned on going blueberry picking. There is a farm nearby that is amenable to having people come out and pick their ample acreage of blueberry bushes. I think how it goes is that for every 3 pints of blueberries you pick for them, you get to pick 1 pint of blueberries for yourself. Not too shabby, eh? Sounds like a good time to me. Well, we agreed to meet our friends Helen and David (David is 11 weeks old) for berry picking merriment, but as we were driving out there this morning, all of a sudden, it started pouring down rain, complete with stunning lightning and thunderous thunder. We promptly aborted our mission and headed for a coffee shop in town. Good coffee, even better company. Berries will have to wait for later.
Another oldie but a goodie. This one
when she was 8 days old. |
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