Yesterday was Bill Cosby's birthday. Some of you may know that
The Cosby Show (1984 - 1992) was hugely influential to me as a young person. Fittingly, with my buddy Tim a willing participant, we fired up Netflix, settled in, and watched some Cosby. We started from the beginning (the pilot is a total classic..."I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out!") and watched a number in sequence. We then jumped around a bit, searching for and finding quintessential episodes. When we were Cosby-ed out I thought a bit about the Huxtables and their family dynamic, parenting philosophies, and the comedy of it all. I fully understand that situation comedies exist for mainly for entertainment, but there's just something about the Cosby Show...the right mix of corniness, authenticity, joy, ridiculousness, love, and the importance of humor. I like Heathcliff Huxtable as a father. He was silly but firm. He wasn't afraid to be passionate about the things he cared about. His sweater selection was impeccable and so enviable. He was a good dad that liked to have fun. I am slightly embarrassed that I just wrote this much about the Cosby Show, but as a new dad, I'm constantly looking around and observing other dads, and am trying to develop my father-ness. Like motherhood, being a father isn't some instinctual skill that, once you have a kid, you just flip on and can handle everything. It's something that develops and evolves and is something you have to work at. It's pretty fun and rewarding work, though, I'd have to say.

Well, my friend Tim left today to return to his wife and occupational responsibilities in Milwaukee. It was so nice to have him around, if only for a few days. He was my partner these past few days in trying to coax Safia to eat from the bottle. During his stay here, he played with her and received a multitude of smiles and little giggles, endured her bottle-wrath, and bounced her soothingly. Safe travels back to Wisconsin...it's a loooooong road.
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