Monday, April 11, 2011

A Slow Blog Movement

As I type right now, Safia is sound asleep in the crook of my arm.  So precious.  Yet, I am forced to type one keystoke at a time (chicken pecking style).  It really makes me think of the "slow" movements that have become so popular (slow food, slow travel, slow living, etc.).  Perhaps I may be the pioneer of the slow blog movement.  Each key mindfully and deliberately struck.  Every word patiently simmered to prose perfection.  In fact, make sure you read this blog slowly, for that is the intended rate of consumption. In fact, everything, lately, seems to have slowed down a bit; we've downshifted.  Taking the time to be an engaged participant, feels right.  We feel very fortunate to be able to have this slow time together.

look carefully - not one, but two dimples!

Since we've been home, friends have stopped by regularly to meet Safia and to bring us food to help make sure we don't forget to eat.  We feel so overwhelmed by all the kindness and nourishing food that has come our way.  A neighbor sent out a message on our neighborhood listserv announcing Safia's arrival and encouraged neighbors to bring over some food.  Also, a friend set up a giving calendar on the website  This resource is such a great idea and can be used in so many wonderful and compassionate ways, that I wanted to pass it along.  Consider it if there is ever a need that needs to be filled.

Last night was a repeat session of the previous night: 2 hours of on-and-off nursing at the beginning of the night and then some solid slumber.  Perhaps a trend is forming?  I suspect today is going to be rather mellow.  Maybe a nice walk around the neighborhood before it gets too hot (upper 80s for the past few days!).  I've played a number of instruments for Safia and she has been particularly fond of the violin.  I'm going to schedule another violin music session with her this morning to see if we can get this music thing to stick.

Lots of love, from Safia