Thursday, May 26, 2011


naked snoozing

Yesterday, I fully intended to write a short post, and it got away from me.  Here, now, is that short post.  I mainly wanted to unload some adorable pictures I took yesterday.  While Ellen was in Atlanta, I had Safia all to myself, and I’ll say that she was on her best behavior.  She slept for most of our time together, a nice 1-hour stint and a solid 2-hour spell after a painless bottle-feeding.  I highly suspect that Safia was just showing off about how good she can be to get a good report from me to Ellen.  Either that, or I’m so boring, she’d rather sleep than have to put up with my mundane and insipid babble.  Whichever it is, we had a pleasant day together.  She has had a couple of shaky nights with short bouts of sleep, frequent gas, and lots of feeding.
This morning, we spent our time with another darling little one.  Good company, cute babies, nursing, diaper changes, good conversation, coffee, sleeping infants, and a not-so-bad walk in the heat.  Lunch with another friend, spicy, Jamaican pork, assorted flavors of frozen yogurt, and more good conversation.   Time to take it down a notch.  
milk drunk

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the pirate face pic. i will take credit for teaching her to say "argh"
