Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Phew!  Home.  I have so much to say about our trip, but I suspect that precious few of you want the fine details written out for you to read on a blog.  If you want the minutiae of our travels over the past week-and-a-half, we'll have to accomplish that through another mechanism.  What I will say here is that it was an ambitious trip that had the potential to be disastrous, but turned out wonderfully.  After three plane rides, some subway/metro expeditions, and plenty of time in cars, I'd say Safia is getting an early introduction to a lifestyle of travel.

Ski jump training
Aunt S'mores and Safia talk about it.
On the Safia development front, as many of you know, each week brings incredible growth.  Well, this week Safia has turned into a regular ol' rolly-polly.  She's freely (and quickly, I might add) turning from her back to her stomach, and is learning the stomach-to-back return.  She is using her hands with much purpose and has discovered the tactile delights of grabbing and pulling hair and low-hanging beards.  I think I might have a date with a razor soon.  

So this is my last week of freedom.  In one week, I return to work and we have yet another readjustment.  I know I say it every year, but my summer vacation has just flown by...I don't know where it went.

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