She's got her Daddy's hair |
It’s Friday, which means that Safia and I have almost survived our first week together. Right now she is rocking sweetly in her swing, not sure how long it will last, but I’ll take what I can get. I’ve been testing her endurance today – she “sat” in the boppy long enough for me to get dressed and brush my teeth, and then she laid on her play mat long enough for me to make breakfast and eat it (quickly of course, but something is better than nothing!). Now if only I can finish typing this before she wants out of her swing – somehow I doubt that is going to be possible! Wasn’t possible – but she was in there for almost 10 minutes – little victories these days.

Now she’s sleeping, so I have 20 minutes to an hour to get things done. When she goes down, I’m always faced with the dilemma, do I also lay down and rest, or do I get a few things done – I usually delude myself by thinking I can get a few things done and then lay down. It usually doesn’t work that way which leads to me being exhausted and grumpy by the time Rube comes home. To top it off, what I actually get done is so minuscule, I don’t feel like I’m getting anything done – maybe that’s the universes way of telling me that I should be laying down!

My sister Maura came for a short visit. She had a meeting in Atlanta Thursday evening so she flew in early to spend a day with us. Safia enjoyed hanging with her aunt. We even successfully attempted going out to lunch. We walked to lunch, and Safia slept through lunch, but of course, I pushed the limits by taking the long way home, which resulted in a hysterical baby for the last five minutes of the walk. Lesson learned. Maybe.
This weekend is shaping up to be a busy one, not the relaxing re-entrance into co-parenting I was hoping for. Rube is playing at
Washington Farm’s Strawberry Festival and the
Americana Festival on Saturday. We’re going to try to go to the Strawberry Festival, but I’m not holding my breath that we’ll actually get there on time– we’ll see how long it takes for me to get Saifa out of the house by myself! Rube is also finishing up his course work for his master’s program. He’s almost done, the end is in sight, but almost all of his work is due on Monday. Since he’s playing music all day Saturday, I’m going to guess that Safia and I’ll be hanging out all day Sunday while he works. Once everything is done, he will have both his Masters in Early Childhood Education and his teaching certificate – it’s been a challenge for him to work full time and go to school, the added adventure of a new baby has made it harder!
Rube and Safia in the Ergo - a nice relief from
holding her - maybe he'll try to do his work this
weekend with her! |
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