Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Tuesday, Right? April still?

Days come and days go.  Time has whole new dimensions.  The days have seemed to fly by, but yet it was only two weeks ago that Ellen's parents were here - and that seems like ages ago.  Each day plods along and I get so antsy because there's always so much to do.  We advance through most days completely unaware of day, date, or time of day.  It also astounds me that this is my last week at home before going back to work.  I'm already anxious about leaving Ellen and Safia, not because I don't think that Ellen can handle it (she can!), but because I know that life is easier, happier, saner, and more enjoyable  when both of us can share the responsibilities connected to caring for a newborn infant.

**Nerdy tangent alert**
As humans evolved into walking on two legs, the shape of their pelvis became narrower.  This, coupled with the extraordinarily large brain size, as compared, proportionally, to other mammals, necessitated human babies be born three to four months earlier so the baby's head could fit through the birth canal.  Therefore, at birth until about three months, a human newborn is highly dependent on its parents while it develops its brain and central nervous system.  Many refer to the first three months of a newborn's life as the 'fourth trimester.'  Also, one must consider the postpartum period for mothers, which include huge hormonal changes, new roles and responsibilities, healing, stress, and sleep deprivation.  Taken as a whole, it's a whole lotta fun.
**Nerdy tangent alert cleared**

Anyway, I definitely feel guilty for going back to work, but I know I have to.  I am comforted to know that, by the time I go back to work, there'll only be three and a half more weeks of school left in the school year, and they'll probably go by quick.

Well it seems Safia's feeding marathon sessions have abated a bit (knock on wood).  She's napping more and more in her bassinet throughout the day, which is nice.  The weather here in Athens has been beeeeeau-ti-fulllll these past few days so we've taken advantage by going on multiple walks around the neighborhood.  Zoey, our wonderful and kind canine family member is still adjusting to our slower pace of walking around the neighborhood.  She has been absolutely terrific with Safia; very gentle with her and always protective (if a bit too protective at times as G'ma Reeny can attest to).

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