One-finger typist no more! |
So remember that 'Slow Blog Movement' post where I extolled the virtues of slow typing? I explained how Safia would sleep on me as I slowly, pecked away, one-finger style on the keyboard. You may recall that I attempted to make it seem like I enjoyed it; like it was some sort of labor of love; that it was somehow a superior brand of communication; that it was, in a way, cooler to type like 3 words per minute. Well, that was all ludicrous balderdash. What I have devised is a new paradigm of baby sleeping/parental vigilance/blogging freedom. Here's the scene: sleeping Safia gets shimmied into the
Moby Wrap (a long piece of fabric wrapped around baby and adult that secures baby to adult in a comforting and loving manner, yet allows both adult hands to be free to engage in various manual tasks), computer is placed on counter top in the kitchen, I sidle up to the computer, standing, baby in wrap, bouncing, shushing, and commence typing with both my hands in a typically efficient fashion. That's not all...I'm also eating toast and drinking coffee (carefully, and craning my neck out from above baby's head as to avoid possible hot coffee splashing scaldage). I know, I know...brilliant! Safia sleeps, Ellen sleeps, I type like a normal human being, I eat, I get caffeinated - everybody wins - that is until Safia gets hungry...then, kablooey!

So, I thought I'd spin a yarn about an adventure we had yesterday. The Yen-Kohls piled into the car to go to a photographer's studio in Comer, GA (about 30 min. away from Athens in nowhere land: "Make our town, your town" is their motto) so Safia could get her picture taken in an artsy way to be hung up in the midwife clinic. Babies are supposed to like riding in the car right? The vibration and the sound of the engine are supposed to sedate them straight into sweet slumber, right? Well let me tell you something about Safia: she wasn't too keen on a car ride yesterday. I don't know, maybe it's because the Prius runs so quietly and the gas engine shuts off frequently, but our little girl was a-wailing the whole ride over. When we got there, ideally, Safia would be in deep sleep so that really cute, posed in props, sleeping newborn pictures could be taken. Safia, of course, was
wide awake. After rocking her, walking her, swaying her, and shushing her, she did finally get to sleep. The photographer's pose of choice: place Safia in an over-sized tea cup, arms propped on the edge of the cup, head laid angelically on her arms, all the while sleeping soundly. You may have guessed that Safia didn't hold that pose for more than .3 seconds before popping awake. More walking and swaying and shushing to get her asleep, and tea cup attempt #2 went predictably the same. We decided to just go with an awake baby being held in Dad's arms pose. That went much smoother. We quickly got some pics snapped, Safia pooped on me, and we were back in the car for more sobbing and yowling, before we found ourselves back at home. Whew!
Neither of my kiddos have been into the car as newborns either...however it's one of the only ways that we can get my almost-two year old to take a nap currently.
ReplyDeleteI hope we get to see the professional photos in an upcoming post!