Yesterday, we ventured out into the real world - the first trip in what felt like a looooong time. Settle in, grab a cup of tea, and ready yourself for a brief, if not a bit exaggerated, rendition of our mini-journey outside our sanctuary of babydom: As our front door creaked open, the glaring and radiant sunshine pummeled our pupils, hastening their immediate constriction. As we shielded our eyes from this merciless, solar assault, we soldiered on, intent on our goal. Baby in carrier, carrier in hand, we hurtled to the car, secured Safia into place, and in mere moments, we were commingled with your everyday, garden-variety citizen. And can you believe it - people were just going about their business, completely oblivious to the fact that we just had a baby; totally just like walking around, talking on cell phones, and like driving around and stuff. Astounding. OK, all dramatizing (and thesaurus use) aside, we have felt a little isolated with this needy little nugget. Even little trips outside the house require much planning and preparedness: pack the diaper bag, check for a dirty diaper, hopefully coordinate a feeding to our departure time, get her situated into her car seat carrier...did we remember to put clothes on ourselves? Visitors have been our lifeline to the outside world, and we have come to really appreciate it (hint, hint...those of you in Athens...come for a visit!)

Well, our first stop was to
Full Bloom (a retail/resource space for pregnancy and early parenthood) to get Safia weighed. In addition to making sure she regained the weight she lost following birth, we wanted to do a pre-feeding weighing to compare it with her post-feeding weight to see how much she's ingesting. We were reassured to discover that she not only regained her weight, but packed on a few extra ounces for good measure (she's now 7lbs 13.5oz for those keeping score). Our next stop was to the midwifery clinic for a little check-up for Ellen. Everything in order, we ventured back home. Excursion successful. A couple of good friends came over for a visit, and we ate some tasty food. I took Safia (in the Moby wrap...love it) and Zoey (the dog. on her leash, not in the Moby wrap) around the neighborhood for an invigorating walk while Ellen took a much needed herbed bath. Safia's feeding marathons continue. We are in high spirits.
Get that blasted camera out of my face already! |
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