Safia - 3 Weeks Old |

This weekend, Safia and I spent the afternoon together in preparation for our solo time this week. Rube went to Atlanta to play music with his band (
High Strung String Band) at a friend's homebrew festival. It was a great chance for him to get back into the swing of playing music, after a band hiatus of a few months. Safia, Zoey and I held down the home front - we worked in the garden, went for a walk, started cleaning the screen porch from the pollen and construction mayhem, and nursed many, many, many times. I determined that our garden beds are a little wide for easy gardening with baby - to reach the middle of the beds, I have to lean way over which is near impossible with a baby strapped to your chest. And I learned the very important lesson that once Safia goes down for a nap, if it's anywhere a meal time I need to eat immediately, not putz, not think about what I want to eat, not look for kitchen implements (our kitchen is still not totally put back together), and not do just one more thing before I get something to eat. Needless to say my putzing and her short nap (at this point it's anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour) lead to me only eating a granola bar and a smoothie over the course of 7 hours - not the best situation for anyone involved!

We had high expectations for Do Nothing Day - but it somehow seemed to morph into a Just Do a Few Things Day. Rube did another round of planting in the garden (making up for my inabilities on Saturday), we went for a long walk, and we did some more things around the house.
It also was a day of firsts for Safia - she finally took a pacifier and sucked herself to sleep (we had been working on introducing the pacifier for about a little less than a week). She had her first Skype date with her grandparents (my parents). I also took my first

solo excursion out into the world to a friends baby shower, and Safia had her first bottle. From Rube's report, she was a little taken aback by the speed of milk delivery, but happily ate quickly. Rube and Safia than joined me at the baby shower - her first party. In the evening, we resumed our weekly Sunday Euchre game with our friends Seth and Katie - they brought over dinner from
Tlaloc, our favorite Mexican/Central American Restaurant in Athens, and after enjoying our dinner (partly without Safia, partly with her in our arms), we played cards - the game was slower than usual, especially when Safia decided with was time for a nursing marathon (playing cards one-handed is a skill I need to improve on), but all in all, it was great to resume one of our normal routines.
And of course, it was her first Easter - she had a busy weekend!
Now with my first post under my belt, we'll see how the rest of the day goes!
Your daughter is beautiful and I enjoyed reading your attempts to garden with a kid on your person! I remember trying to ride a bike with one on my back and one in the seat thing. You look great you sound so very well! I was able to see your wonderful mother and and father and aunts and some cousins too and your sister!! at my father's memorial. It was wonderful to have them all there. Best wishes to you and your family. I wish I could help you with your gardening. xoxo Hugs........patty barber
ReplyDeleteI am learning different wrap styles and came across this website. There are ways to wrap the baby on your back- might be perfect for gardening! http://www.wrapyourbaby.com/