Monday, June 13, 2011

Another Busy Weekend

Safia at 10 weeks

Highlights from an action-packed weekend:

1. We made a big batch of bagels with friends on Saturday morning.  Athens is completely and utterly devoid of any passable bagels (ok, there is one place in town that actually boils them before baking, but they’re like $2.50/each and that’s utterly ridiculous).  We geared up for the project and they turned out fabulously.  I will say they could have been a bit denser, but after consulting with Jesse (our bread baking aficionado friend), I’ve noted some adjustments that might yield a bagel to vie with H&H Bagels and Bethesda Bagel Bakery.  Oh, right….the baby.  Safia was cute as ever. 

2.              We all went to Atlanta Saturday afternoon because the band had a show.  We swaddled Safia up in the car seat, and she slept soundly for the hour-and-a-half drive there.  I don’t think you quite grasp the gravity of this newly realized car-sleep continuum.  Truly miraculous.  At the show, Safia was happily passed from friend to friend and thoroughly enjoyed all the love.  The show went longer than expected and we found ourselves at a crossroads: our favorite Thai restaurant (Panita Thai Kitchen, try it…it’s amazing) was literally right around the corner, but it was about 9pm and way too late to still be in Atlanta.  Alas, we hadn’t eaten dinner yet, and the Thai food is delicious, so we went ahead and strollered little Safia to Thai food heaven.  With the waitress’ expedited service, we were out of there, and after Safia got a quick feeding, we were on the road back home by 10:30.  Now get ready for this: She slept all the way home swaddled in her car seat, when we got home we brought her inside, unswaddled her, changed her diaper, reswaddled her, and put her down in the bassinet…all while she slumbered away peacefully.  She slept that night for five-and-a-half hours.  We were pretty stoked about that.  

Baby Safia and Baby David with
fathers as facilitators
3.  Yesterday was a pretty peaceful day.  We all were tired from the previous day’s adventure.  I did get to go on an early morning bike ride, which was sweet.  Safia had a pretty rough morning, but settled into her day – sleeping through most of it.  Seth and Katie came over for our Sunday evening dinner and card playing get-together, and we actually got to play some cards (euchre y’all!) this time around.  

Green beans are bustin' in the garden

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