Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Waa Waa Waa!

{knock, knock, door} Oh, good afternoon officer...screaming baby screaming for the past hour?....oh, well, yes...possible child abuse?....oh no, I'm not hurting my, I'm just trying to give my baby a bottle.

Ok, so that never really happened.  But I have been increasingly concerned that somebody walking by the house, hearing the heartbreaking (and might I add, ear-piercing) cries from within, might get the impression that something unsavory was going on.  Alas, the bottle situation has not gotten much better.  I won't bore you with yet another post about my struggles with bottle feeding, but let me just say this: "AHHHH!"

I had a pretty full day with Safia; much of it solo, as Ellen was trying to alleviate the bottle issue by not being in the house.  People (and by that I mean everybody but me) says that Safia will be less inclined to eat from the bottle if Ellen is around, and so I guess I'm starting to believe.  I truly do enjoy my role as father and like caring for Safia.  I still find myself staring at her in disbelief, and I predict that that phenomenon may never go away.  My favorite is definitely watching her as she sleeps and studying all the crazy, silly, funny faces she makes.  Even when she's awake (as you've no doubt observed, too) she makes some of the craziest facial expressions.  I wish I could know what in the world was going through her mind.

Tonight...{fanfare, fanfare, fanfare}...Ellen and I are going out on a date!  Friends are watching Safia, and we're going out to dinner.  Booya!

Hello, Mom...It's Safia. Tell Dad to cool it with the bottle, I'm just not that into it. 

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried laying her down to feed,not holding her? Athena has a problem taking the bottle from others, but is ok when she is laid down. It might be the nipple on the bottle, too. If not, you just got a picky one that will need to learn the hard way.

    Good luck. That screaming tears you up something awful inside, I know, but it is a lot better than the wails of a sick child you are powerless to stop. Be grateful she is strong and healthy.
