Monday, June 6, 2011

What a Weekend

Safia at 9 weeks
This weekend was chock full of goodness.  I don't know where to begin.'s about chronologically.  That sounds logical.

Friday: We took Safia to the pediatrician for a little check-up.  Here are the vial statistics you've been anxious all weekend for - weight: 11lb. 5oz; length: 23 inches; h.c. (head circumference.  Keep up.  Next time, no hints): 15-and-a-quarter inches (that's 95th percentile, y'all...bobble heads up in here!).  During our pediatrician's visit, Safia also got 4 vaccinations (one oral and 3 shots).  If you're thinking scream-fest, you'd be right on.  She actually fell asleep pretty quickly after the shots, but the doctor warned that she might be fussy for the next 24-hours, and boy, was she right.  Safia was very clingy for the rest of the day and would only sleep while being held by either Ellen or myself, and was, on the whole, pretty uncomfortable and kind of constantly whimpering.  Our friends Michelle, Paul, and Jenny came by for dinner and we had a wonderful time together, and then all the ladies headed out for the evening while the men stayed home with the baby.  All went swimmingly except that Safia had a hard time going down for the night, which is quite understandable considering the numerous inoculations against preventable communicable diseases.
Safia discovers she has toes.

Saturday: We attended the post-baby-delivery reunion of our Centering group (Ellen explained Centering here in a previous post; 4th paragraph down).  It was a brunch get-together and I made tater tot casserole (thanks Jen) and it was killer.  Ask me for the recipe, I dare you.  It was awesome to get together with all the babies and watch them all do baby things.  Fantastic.  Safia was feeling much better and we had a smile filled afternoon and evening. 

Sunday: After many months on hiatus, I went on an early morning bike ride with my buddy Mitchell.  Felt awesome to get pedaling again.  Came back and Mitchell stayed to help bust out some garden work in the brutal 100-degree heat.  We turned over some beds with bolted, bitter lettuce, laid down more soaker hoses, planted zucchini, cucumbers, squash, and okra, and mulched.  We brought Safia out to the garden in her stroller with a sun shade, but it was just too hot, and so she ducked back inside while the garden got busted out.  Later that night, we re-initiated our weekly dinner and cards get-together with Katie and Seth in the evening (pizzas on the grill!) and that was delightful.  We didn't quite get to the card playing, but that's alright; the visiting and the company are what it's all about.  

Sorry, that was a lot of words.  I'll try to be more succinct in the future.  

Momma love!

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