Swaddled in the car seat, it just might be the trick to our sanity! |
Brief bottle update: we went and got two different bottles to try out with the bottle-snob-baby (sorry for the name calling, I’m just bitter): an Avent bottle and a Dr. Brown’s bottle. I tried out the Avent bottle yesterday and am happy to announce it was a tear-free experience. I’m not so brazen to suggest that we have this situation licked, but it sure was a breath of fresh air to not struggle through a bottle-feeding for once. I’ll try the Avent bottle again today and see if we can build from our mini-success from yesterday.
In another attempt to feel like normal human beings, we both went to the YMCA to work-out for the first time yesterday afternoon. The Y offers childcare for up to one-and-a-half hours for children over 6-weeks of age, so we were all set to take them up on their offer. We were able to get in a 20-minute workout until the lady from the childcare room came to tell us Safia was crying and they couldn’t get her to stop. 20-minutes: not bad for the first time. We’ll definitely be hittin’ that up again.
Eat More Kale! |
Yummy kale! Best served stir-fried with salt and garlic.