Happiness is a smiling baby. Whether we get one by making a silly face at her, by getting a big burp out of her, or as she trails off to sleep (dreaming of breast milk), a smiling baby makes all of our frustrations and troubles melt away. We’ve been getting lots of smiles, lately, and we cherish every one. Those dimples are going to be dangerous one of these days! I’d like to believe that she smiles as a direct reaction to something pleasing to her, or a genuine sign of happiness, and that’s what I’ll hold on to. The more smiles we get, the more it seems that things really are getting better. We’re approaching the famed 3-month mark (the end of the 4th trimester), where everyone says, like a light switch, things get exponentially better. I’m not holding my breath, or crossing my fingers, but I’ll accept every smile as a tender gift from this tiny, extraordinary new human being.
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