Just because she's sleeping doesn't mean she can't strike a pose. |
So, as new parents, we’re always working hard to refine our skills and fine-tune our precision. To better illustrate what I mean, may I recount to you our experience from last night. The hour was 7:00pm, and Safia was giving us the tell tale signs of getting tired: big-time yawns, bouts of hyperactivity, and droopy eyelids. At this time of night can be a little tricky, though, as we are never certain whether when she goes to sleep if it’ll be for just a quick nap, or if she’s down for the night. Well, we swaddled her up and just assumed it would be for a quick nap. However, when three hours passed us by, and she was still snoozing away, we concurred that we had guessed wrong. All would be fine and dandy, but when she goes down for the night, we put her in a 12-hour overnight diaper (we’ve coined the Robo-diaper). We needed to change her out of the cloth diaper she was currently snoozing in, and put her in a robo-diaper without perturbing her beyond the zone of sleepiness. This would take swift action and meticulous execution to accomplish. We came up with a plan.
The next time Safia woke up hungry and ready to feed, Ellen nursed Safia side-lying style. With Safia dining blissfully, phase 2 of Operation Snoozy Diaper went into motion. I crept up, undid the bottom half of the swaddle leaving her arms swaddled snugly. I, then, removed her dirty diaper, wiped the area clean, and adeptly affixed the robo-diaper, and returned the bottom half of the swaddle to it's original position – all with Safia still chowing down; she didn’t even miss a gulp. Ellen finished up the feeding, and Safia was back in her bassinet for another sleeping stretch. We gave each other a high-five, and plopped down to get some sleep for ourselves, too. Good-night!
Bottle update: Safia still hates it. We have one last hope before I lose my mind: the Adiri bottle. It’s the most boob-like bottle out there and I really hope it’s a winner.
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